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Англо-русский словарь по электронике - power


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  1) мощность; энергия; сила, движущая сила || силовой; энергетический2) источник энергии3) способность4) усиление; увеличение5) матем. степень6) приводить (в действие, в движение)•to rotate under power — вращать от механического привода, вращаться от механического приводаto power up — включать питание; приводить в действиеpower of forcepower of motoracceleration poweraccumulating poweractive poweradhesive powerair powerapparent poweravailable poweraverage powerbeam powerbelt powerbrake powerbraking powercalculated powerclimbing powercomputational powercomputer powercomputing powercooling powercutter powercutting powerdecay power360-degree gripping powerderived powerdisturbance powerdriving powereffective powerelectric powerelevating powerestimated powerfluid powergeneralized powergripping powergross powerhogging powerholding powerhydraulic powerhydraulic fluid poweridle powerinput powerinstalled machine powerinstantaneous powerinterference powerlifting powerlight-gathering powerline powermachine powermass powermean powermechanical powermotive powernetworking powernormalized laser poweroperating poweroutput powerpeak powerpneumatic powerpneumatic fluid powerpropulsion powerpropulsive powerpump powerrated powerrequired powerreserve powerresolving powerretaining powerrotational powershaft horse powerspecific accumulating powerspindle powerspring powerstarting powerstopping powersustained powerswitching powertractive poweruseful powerutility line poweryielded-up powerzero power ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  up повышать расход энергии POWER  1. noun  1) сила; мощность, энергия; производительность; - by power - without power - mechanical powers  2) могущество, власть (тж. государственная); влияние, мощь; supreme power - верховная власть - party in power  3) полномочие; - power of attorney  4) держава; the Great Powers - великие державы  5) способность; возможность; I will do all in my power - я сделаю все, что в моих силах; it is beyond my power - это не в моей власти; spending power - покупательная способность; speech power - дар речи  6) coll. много, множество; a power of money - куча денег; a power of good - много пользы  7) math. степень; eight is the third power of two - восемь представляет собой два в третьей степени  8) opt. сила увеличения (линзы, микроскопа и т.п.)  9) attr. силовой, энергетический; моторный; машинный  10) attr. - power politics more power to your elbow! - желаю успеха! the powers that be - власти предержащие, сильные мира сего merciful powers! - силы небесные! Syn: see jurisdiction  2. v.  1) приводить в действие или движение; служить приводным двигателем  2) снабжать силовым двигателем; This boat is powered with the latest improved model of our engine.  3) питать (электро)энергией  4) поддерживать; вдохновлять - power up POWER circuit electr. энергетическая сеть POWER cut noun отключение электричества POWER failure noun отключение электричества POWER line noun...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. сила; мощь the power of a blow —- сила удара the great flood moving with majesty and power —- воды катились величественно и мощно the country was at the height of her power —- страна находилась в расцвете своего могущества 2. энергия; мощность electric power —- электроэнергия lifting power —- подъемная сила hydraulic power —- гидравлическая энергия, энергия воды emitting power —- излучающая способность atomic (nuclear) power —- атомная (ядерная) энергия power engineering —- энергетика power consumption —- потребление энергии; расход мощности power generation —- производство энергии power (is) on —- прибор (аппарат, агрегат, двигатель и т. п.) включен power cut (failure) —- отключение (прекращение подачи) (электро)энергии 3. мощность; производительность rated (design) power —- расчетная мощность output power —- выходная мощность, мощность на выходе power factor —- эл. коэффициент мощности; косинус фи power augmentation —- форсаж, форсирование (двигателя) to be on full power —- тех. работать на полную мощность 4. тех. профес. двигатель; машина, силовая установка the mechanical powers —- простые машины power feed —- механическая (автоматическая) подача power farming —- механизированное сельское хозяйство by power —- механической силой, приводом от двигателя 5. энергетика electric power —- электроэнергетика 6....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) сила, мощность 2) способность 3) производительность – absorbing power – adaptation power – antigenic power – begetting power – breeding power – caloric power – crop-producing power – defining power – diastatic power – discriminatory power – displacing power – elevating power – evaporative power – feeding power – fishing power – germinating power – growing power – immunizing power – magnification power – moisture-retaining power – motive power – pathogenic power – phylactic power – reducing power – reproductive power – resolving power – sensitizing power – sideropexy power – suction power ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) сила 2) власть, могущество 3) способность 4) возможность 5) юр. полномочие, право commerce power — право торговли (право конгресса регулировать внутренние и внешние торговые связи государства) delegated powers — делегированные полномочия/правомочия naked powers — полномочия, предоставленные целиком в интересах принципала 6) доверенность 7) энергия, мощность 8) производительность 9) держава • - abuse of power - assume power - atomic power - average power - bargaining power - be in power - bulk power supply - calculated power - capital and market power - come to power - commercial power - computer power - concentration of economic power - constitutional power - consuming power - corporate powers - creative power - defence power - discretionary power - earning power - electric power - execute a power of attorney - execute power of attorney - exercise one's power - exert one's power - financial power - foreign power - full power - general power - hold power - inherent powers - labour power - large powers - maximum rated power - maximum short period power - money power - police power - power coupled with interest - power of acceptance - power of appointment - power of appointment - power of apprehension - power of attorney - power of consumption - power of disposition - power of police - power of sale - power supply - power system - power to sign - purchasing power - reserved powers - rival power - rural purchasing power - seize the power - signatory power - sole voting power - spending power - supreme power - take the power - the Great Powers - voting power Syn: authority, command, hands POWER 1) мощность 2) производительность 3) способность; возможность 4) полномочие; право;...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) энергия 2) власть 3) мощность 4) матем. мощность множества 5) мощь 6) машиностр. питать 7) показатель степени 8) сила 9) способность 10) степенной 11) степень 12) электропитающий 13) электросила 14) электросиловой 15) энергетика 16) энергетический absolute thermoelectric power — коэффициент термоэлектродвижущей силы to apply power to — подавать питание на base of the power — основание степени best average power — наилучшая средняя мощность (критерия) compact to power m — компактный с точностью до мощности m dissipate power at anode — рассеивать мощность на аноде error reducing power — способность уменьшения ошибки higher power of x can be neglected — более высокими степенями x можно пренебречь in ascending powers — по возрастающим степеням noise equivalent power — эквивалентная шумовая мощность optical power of a lens — оптическая сила peak output power — максимальная выходная мощность power at drive shaft — мощность на приводном валу power of a point — геом. степень точки power of an engine — мощность двигателя power per liter of displacement — машиностр. литровая мощность radiant flux power — мощность излучения raising to a power — матем. возведение в степень remove power from — снимать питание с set of continuum power — множество мощности континуума sets of equal power — множества одинаковой мощности summable to p-th power —...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) мощность 2) энергия 3) возможность – absorbed power – absorptive power – ac power – acoustical power – antenna power – apparent power – auxiliary power – available power – average-speech power – carrier power – carrying power – complex power – constant losses power – control pulse power – dissipated power – driving power – effective-radiated power – emission power – equivalent power – excitation power – fault power – generator power – interference power – light power – load power – loss power – lowest required radiating power – maximal power – mean power – minimal power – modal power – multimode power – network power – no-break power – normalized output power – off-peak power – on-peak power – operating power – optical power – output power – peak-of-sync power – peak-pulse power – peak-speech power – permittable power – peak envelope power – primary power – psophometric noise power – quantization noise power – radiant power – rated-output power – reactive power – received-noise power – resolving power – scattering power – seamless power – short-circuit power – signal power – sound power – speaker power – standard test tone power – standby power – takeoff power – threshold power – total power – total noise power – transmitter power – tripping power – useful power – variable losses power – vector power – weighted-noise power ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  absorptive power acoustic power air power binding power boiler power cooling power covering power fan power fan shaft power heating power hiding power man power motive power shaft power sound power wearing power ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) мощность 2) энергия снабжать энергией 3) приводить в действие 4) источник энергии служить источником энергии 5) матем. степень; показатель степени 6) способность; возможность 7) (оптическое) увеличение 8) производительность power for machine rimpull — мощность, расходуемая на колёсную тягу; to adjust idle power — возд. регулировать режим малого газа (двигателя); to augment power — возд. форсировать мощность (двигателя); to raise to a power — возводить в степень; to set idle power — возд. выводить (двигатель) на режим малого газа; to set takeoff power — возд. устанавливать взлётный режим (работы двигателей) - power of test - absorbed power - ac power - accepted power - acoustic power - active power - actual power - adhesion power - antenna power - apparent power - arc power - ash slagging power - asphalt-retaining power - atomic power - attractive power - auxiliary power - available power - average power - backscattered power - binding power - bleaching power - brake power - brake retarding power - brake stopping power - braking power - breakout power - bulking power - burnout power - caking power - calculated power - calorific power - caloric power - carrier power - carrying power - cementing power - central power - chemical power - chemical reaction power - coking power - coloring power - complex power - computer power - computing power - consumed power - contingency takeoff power - conventional power - cooling power - corona loss power - covering power - crowding power - cruising power - cutting power - dc power - decay power - delivered power - deoxidizing power - design power - detergent power - diesel motive power - digging power - dispersive...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 the ability to do or act (will do all in my power; has the power to change colour). 2 a particular faculty of body or mind (lost the power of speech; powers of persuasion). 3 a government, influence, or authority. b political or social ascendancy or control (the party in power; Black Power). 4 authorization; delegated authority (power of attorney; police powers). 5 (often foll. by over) personal ascendancy. 6 an influential person, group, or organization (the press is a power in the land). 7 a military strength. b a state having international influence, esp. based on military strength (the leading powers). 8 vigour, energy. 9 an active property or function (has a high heating power). 10 colloq. a large number or amount (has done me a power of good). 11 the capacity for exerting mechanical force or doing work (horsepower). 12 mechanical or electrical energy as distinct from hand-labour (often attrib.: power tools; power steering). 13 a a public supply of (esp. electrical) energy. b a particular source or form of energy (hydroelectric power). 14 a mechanical force applied e.g. by means of a lever. 15 Physics the rate of energy output. 16 the product obtained when a number is multiplied by itself a certain number of times (2 to the power of 3 = 8). 17 the magnifying capacity of a lens. 18 a a deity. b (in pl.) the sixth order of the ninefold celestial hierarchy. --v.tr. 1 supply with mechanical or electrical energy. 2 (foll. by up, down) increase or decrease the power supplied to (a device); switch on or off. Phrases and idioms in the power of under the control of. more power to your elbow! an expression of encouragement or approval. power behind the throne a person who asserts authority or influence without having formal status. power block a group of nations constituting an international political force. power cut a temporary withdrawal or failure of an electric power supply. power-dive n. a steep dive of an aircraft with the engines providing thrust. --v.intr. perform a power-dive. power line a conductor supplying...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French poer, pouer, from poer to be able, from Vulgar Latin *potere, alteration of Latin posse — more at potent  Date: 13th century  1.  a.  (1) ability to act or produce an effect  (2) ability to get extra-base hits  (3) capacity for being acted upon or undergoing an effect  b. legal or official authority, capacity, or right  2.  a. possession of control, authority, or influence over others  b. one having such ~; specifically a sovereign state  c. a controlling group ; establishment — often used in the phrase the ~s that be  d. archaic a force of armed men  e. chiefly dialect a large number or quantity  3.  a. physical might  b. mental or moral efficacy  c. political control or influence  4. plural an order of angels — see celestial hierarchy  5.  a. the number of times as indicated by an exponent that a number occurs as a factor in a product 5 to the third ~ is 125; also the product itself 8 is a ~ of 2  b. cardinal number 2  6.  a. a source or means of supplying energy; especially electricity  b. motive ~  c. the time rate at which work is done or energy emitted or transferred  7. magnification 2b  8. scope I,3  9. the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis in a statistical test when a particular alternative hypothesis happens to be true Synonyms:  ~, authority, jurisdiction, control, command, sway, dominion mean the right to govern or rule or determine. ~ implies possession of ability to wield force, permissive authority, or substantial influence the ~ to mold public opinion. authority implies the granting of ~ for a specific purpose within specified limits gave her attorney the authority to manage her estate. jurisdiction applies to official ~ exercised within prescribed limits the bureau having jurisdiction over alcohol and firearms. control stresses the ~ to direct and restrain you are responsible for the students under your control. command implies the ~ to make arbitrary decisions...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (powers, powering, powered) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If someone has power, they have a lot of control over people and activities. In a democracy, power must be divided. ...a political power struggle between the Liberals and National Party. N-UNCOUNT 2. Your power to do something is your ability to do it. Human societies have the power to solve the problems confronting them... He was so drunk that he had lost the power of speech. N-UNCOUNT: usu N to-inf, N of n 3. If it is in or within your power to do something, you are able to do it or you have the resources to deal with it. Your debt situation is only temporary, and it is within your power to resolve it... N-UNCOUNT: poss N 4. If someone in authority has the power to do something, they have the legal right to do it. The police have the power of arrest... N-UNCOUNT: also N in pl, oft the N to-inf 5. If people take power or come to power, they take charge of a country’s affairs. If a group of people are in power, they are in charge of a country’s affairs. In 1964 Labour came into power... He first assumed power in 1970... The party has been in power since independence in 1964. N-UNCOUNT: oft in N 6. You can use power to refer to a country that is very rich or important, or has strong military forces. In Western eyes, Iraq is a major power in an area of great strategic importance. N-COUNT: usu supp N 7. The power of something is the ability that it has to move or affect things. The Roadrunner had better power, better tyres, and better brakes. ...massive computing power. N-UNCOUNT: usu supp N 8. Power is energy, especially electricity, that is obtained in large quantities from a fuel source and used to operate lights, heating, and machinery. Nuclear power is cleaner than coal... Power has been restored to most parts that were hit last night by high winds... N-UNCOUNT 9. The device or fuel that powers a machine provides the energy that the machine needs in order to...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »CONTROL« the ability or right to control people or events  (We all felt that the chairman had too much power. | He was motivated by greed, envy, and the lust for power.) + over  (She has a lot of power over the people in her team.) power struggle (=a situation in which groups or leaders try to defeat each other and get complete control)  (engaged in a bitter power struggle against Chairman Sir George Scott) 2 »CONTROL OF A COUNTRY« the position of having political control of a country or government  (be in power)  (The dictator had been in power for seven years. | come/rise to power (=start having political control))  (De Gaulle came to power in 1958. | return to power)  (The Labour Party returned to power after 13 years. | get into power)  (If the Social Democrats got into power, they would change the whole system of local government. | take/sieze power)  (The Communists seized power in 1962. | lose power)  (Left-wing parties lost power in several European countries last year.) 3 »INFLUENCE« the ability to influence people or give them strong feelings + of  (We were stunned by the power of his speech. | the immense power of television) 4 »RIGHT/AUTHORITY« the right or authority to do something  (The police have been given special powers to help them in the fight against terrorism. | the power to do sth)  (She was the one who had the power to hire or fire people. | the power of)  (The chairman has the power of veto on all decisions.) 5 »ABILITY« a natural or special ability to do something + of  (After the accident she lost the power of speech.) the power to do sth  (Local people believe that the plant has the power to cure all kinds of ailments.) 6 earning/purchasing/bargaining power the ability to earn money, buy things etc  (Average earning power has shot up by more than 50%.) 7 student power/black power/parent power etc the political or social influence that an organized group has  (another victory for student power) 8 »STRENGTH« the strength of something such as an explosion, animal or...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  U.S. gov. abbr. Promoting Outstanding Work Ethics And Responsibility mil. abbr. Prepare Organize Work Evaluate And Rethink ocean sc. abbr. PROFS Operational Weather Education and Research hardw. abbr. Performance Optimization With Enhanced Risc gen. comp. abbr. Priority Output Writer, Execution processors and input Readers media abbr. Prepare Organize Write Edit And Rewrite educ. abbr. Peers Offering Wellness Education Resources religion abbr. People Organized With Evangelistic Results gen. bus. abbr. Perspectives On Work Education And Responsibility gen. bus. abbr. Productivity Optimization Workflow Empowerment Reengineering gen. bus. abbr. People Organized To Win Employment Rights pos. abbr. Providing Oneself With Employment Resources ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - 13c., from Anglo-Fr. pouair, O.Fr. povoir, noun use of the infinitive in O.Fr., "to be able," from L. potis "powerful" (see potent). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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